Rascal Chopper - Internal/External Mix
Polyester Spray-up System
- No solvent flush
- External-mix
- CNC machined from billet aluminum
- Low maintenance
- Simple to operate
- Filled resin capability
- MEKP siphoned from original bottle
- GS MEKP Slave System
- Built to your specs
RC42-1: Portable, 10:1 Pump
RC42-2: Stationary, 10:1 Pump
RC42-3: Portable, 11:1 Pump
RC42-4: Stationary, 11:1 Pump
RC42-7: Portable, 22:1 Pump
RC42-8: Stationary, 22:1 Pump
Standard Components:
- R100 Rascal gun
- RC100-04 Rascal chopper motor
- Ceramic roving guides and brake
- 25 foot hose set
- S1000-97 MEKP slave assembly
- Cart, mast and 12 foot boom assembly
- Resin pump assembly
- Air manifold / regulators
- Gun rebuild kits, box of blades, (4) anvil sleeves and chopper spares
- Additional hose lengths
- Double roving rack
- Roving box cover
- Less boom
- Less cart
- Less mast
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Superflow Operating Instructions
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